The Labyrinth

A unique venue for hire

We have a beautiful space in the labyrinth. Silver birch trees are underplanted with dogwood, providing a living wall. In the centre is a Bongo Tent which can be furnished with tables and benches, straw bales or mats.

We are happy to hire out the area to wellness practitioners when it is not being used for our programmes. The space could be used for outdoor yoga, drumming, art classes or other such sessions....

The labyrinth can also be hired out for one off events such as family parties, perhaps combined with a tractor ride around the farm. It has also been used for small concert events and church services.

Contact us for enquiries about booking and prices.

Join us

With a car park, toilets and Velo verde cafe next door, the labyrinth has access to all the facilities you may need. We have recently laid a hardcore path to the centre, making it walker and wheelchair accessible too.

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