Welcome to FarmEco

We are a Community Farm in rural Nottinghamshire aimed at reconnecting people to the land and environment.

Fruit farming

We manage thousands of fruit trees and bushes in the agroforestry field and edible woodland. The land is certified organic. We sell our crops to local distributors and food processors but also give away about half of our apples to food banks.

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Green Prescribing & Wellbeing

Our green prescribing programme and other wellbeing sessions use the different experiences we have on the farm to help people by developing a more connected relationship with nature.

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Our regular volunteers get in involved in everything; from the day to day running of the farm, looking after the trees and pressing apples, as well our projects such as hedge planting and creation of the wetland area. We always love new people to join our group.

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We have a Men and Women in Sheds groups, The group is designed to be a fun way to enjoy the farm and many people find new friends and learn new skills as they make things for themselves or help build items ordered from others.

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Our conservation work has seen us replant hedges and wildlife corridors, form a cluster group of other local farms, build a wetland area, plant a Miyawaki forest and conduct a biodiversity count monthly.

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Tree nursery

We host Plant.NG Wild Community Tree Nursery. This tree nursery is carrying out the vital job of propagating and growing from seed trees which are adapted to our Nottinghamshire conditions. The saplings and whips are sold on to the general public or organisations like local councils and schools.

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