Sea Buckthorn

About Sea Buckthorn

The UK alternative to citrus fruit

Sea buckthorn is a shrub which is native to the UK. Mostly found along the coast, although also used for hedging. It grows in a bushy fashion, sending out suckers which can eventually form a thicket. As the name suggests, it has thorns. These can be long and vicious, hiding among the berries. This makes picking the berries straight off the tree quite treacherous. 

However, there are commercially bred cultivars which have smaller thorns. The berries can be a variety of colours, from deep orange to yellow and almost white. The shrubs are either male or female, with the male trees not producing any berries.

Nutritional facts

  • Contains more than 190 micronutritents; vitamins, minerals & antitoxidants
  • High in fibre
  • Very high Vitamin E content; good for skin products
  • One of the few food sources of Omega 7, known to promote healthy mucous membranes, the delicate lining of our airways and digestive system


We have fresh berries available in the autumn, and frozen ones at other times of the year.

We are looking to develop markets with chefs and skin product manufacturers.

Replacing lemons with sea buckthorn juice gives an amazing tropical flavour!

Sea buckthorn- delicious, nutritious....

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